

Achooo! And Achoooooooooo! Boy is it dusty in here! Time to whip out the virtual feather duster and oil the rusty keyboard! So much has happened since my last post and I have a boatload of drafts for posts started on various subjects, but never really got around to getting anything published! This is probably the fate that a lot of blogs face, started in […]

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Journey Inward, Circle of Control and New Year’s Resolutions

Journey Inward, Circle of Control and New Year’s Resolutions

I have not posted in quite a while, I know. Besides several work related trips, I also was away on a journey… a long overdue journey inward and I made some surprising discoveries in the process. Now with the year coming to an end and Winter Solstice right ahead of us, for many people it’s time to take stock and make plans or resolutions for […]

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Chautauqua 2014 – Higher elevation and new insights

Chautauqua 2014 –  Higher elevation and new insights

Recently, I travelled to San Pablo del Lago in Ecuador to seek some answers on a higher level….in about 9000 feet altitude to be specific. I attended the second Chautauqua organised by Cheryl Reed with Above the Clouds Retreats. The first event of this kind took place in 2013, only a few months after I had discovered both MMM’s and Jim Collin’s blogs. Blogs, that addressed the missing pieces […]

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