Shopping with a Passion!

Shopping with a Passion!

Shopping!!!!!  Perfect topic for a frugality blog, right? Yes, Totally!! I HATE shopping, hate it with a passion! I do however LOVE shopping for causes that I am passionate about… not really the actual shopping itself, but the result of my shopping trips for sure. As I mentioned before, people have lots of prejudices when it comes to coupon shopping. However, just like any other […]

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Chautauqua 2014 – Higher elevation and new insights

Chautauqua 2014 –  Higher elevation and new insights

Recently, I travelled to San Pablo del Lago in Ecuador to seek some answers on a higher level….in about 9000 feet altitude to be specific. I attended the second Chautauqua organised by Cheryl Reed with Above the Clouds Retreats. The first event of this kind took place in 2013, only a few months after I had discovered both MMM’s and Jim Collin’s blogs. Blogs, that addressed the missing pieces […]

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Couponing for the GOOD STUFF! Saving money on produce part 1!

Couponing for the GOOD STUFF! Saving money on produce part 1!

Yes I use coupons….when buying groceries! Wait a moment! Hear me out! I know there’s a lot of prejudices around couponing, I have heard them all. That stupid couponing show on TV fuels and manifests most of those stereotypes: Couponing is for folks who buy 200 bottles of mustard to hoard in their basement to look at, right? Wrong! Coupons are only for prefab crap and […]

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A Humanist??? How about that elevator pitch!

A Humanist??? How about that elevator pitch!

Ever since I started to identify as a humanist, I have encountered puzzled looks on people’s faces, followed by “What is a humanist?” from the more curious ones, who actually dared to ask. Within my group of local humanist friends we challenged each other to come up with so-called elevator speeches and share them with each other. This had been on my to-do list for a while […]

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