Poetry at the intersection of FIRE and nomad life

Poetry at the intersection of FIRE and nomad life

FIRE is not only about numbers and spreadsheets, it can be quite philosophical, poetic even if you are willing to talk to the right people and look in the right places. Several years ago, around 2013 or so, I came across a poem called A Bucket Full of Freedom on one of the many FIRE blogs that started popping up around the time. I unfortunately […]

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Poetry at the intersection of nomad life and humanism

Poetry at the intersection of nomad life and humanism

The best part of our FIRE life are the people we meet along the way. There is a group of friends we made on the road, that we have camped with again and again over the years, some of which we have known since we began our nomad life back in 2016. We refer to ourselves as the Music and Mind Camp (short MMC), an […]

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